Imagine my surprise to find out that Aaron has somewhat moved on already. I.e. he had sex with someone. Never mind that it was rebound. She likes him. He likes her underneath the fact that he still loves me. She's thin. And taller than me. Hm.
All I've had to eat today was a tangelo and a cup of green tea. I want to be thinner. Thinner than the girl Oliver had sex with. Thinner than the girl Aaron is currently having sex with. I weighed in at 121 lbs this morning. Down by 3 lbs since the last time I weighed myself. I'd like to be 118 by the time I go back to school. That shouldn't be too hard. I mean I lost the 3 lbs without even working out. It's been all restriction.
I appreciate the comments I got on my last few posts. It helped. I was freaking out for a while. I'm still not quite past the stuff I was worrying about, but it's better I suppose.
I'll post later with my net intake, maybe even thinspo.
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