Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy Monday

Grr not really. I wish I could have one more day to add on to my weekend. I was planning on going to the gym today, but I had some prior commitments that kept me from going, most notably homework and breaking ground on a film shoot that my RA is directing. I just didn't have time, but I'm going tomorrow after morning classes are over. But because I didn't work out I tried to keep my food intake to a minimum. For breakfast I had half a grapefruit with sugar, a banana, and a roll with some butter. For lunch I was rushed so I had maybe 1 1/2 cups of pasta (the big shell kind, not spaghetti) with marinara, and for dinner we went out to eat after the shoot and I got a simple hamburger with no cheese or onions. I think it was an ok day, but tomorrow should be better. It's pretty late though and my roommates are about to go to sleep. I just felt like I needed to blog tonight.

Goodnight Everyone,

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